

Newhaven Display Color OLED Arduino Shields

Author : Newhaven display Published Time : 2016-01-27
Newhaven Display International Color OLED Arduino Shields are designed for use with Arduino UNOand Arduino UNO SMD and eliminate long development time. These OLED shields are available in three sizes: 1.27", 1.5" and 1.69" diagonal. Off-the-shelf color OLED modules are available for easy  development with additional sizes.


1.27" Shield: 128x96 pixel resolution 1.5" Shield: 128x128 pixel resolution1.69" Shield: 160x128 pixel resolution1.27/1.5" Shield: Built-in SSD1351 controller1.69" Shield: Built-in SEPS525 controller Designed to use with Arduino UNO and Arduino UNO SMDBreadboard friendly